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Pastor Aaron Richert

"That I may know [Jesus]" - Philippians 3:10a

Pastor Aaron Richert grew up in the small town of Big Bear City, CA. After graduating high school, he joined the US Army which led him to Fairbanks, Alaska. While stationed in Alaska, God led him to a church where he was saved, met his wife, Karrie, and surrended to serve God with his life. 

After getting out of the military, he immediatly got involved with church planting work in Southern California, while simultaniously doing his Bible college studies. 

After 10 years of church planting ministries, God lead him and his family back to Alaska. After serving in two different churches, God lead them to launch out and start a church in North Pole where Cornerstone Baptist Church was born. 

Aaron and Karrie have four children, Sadie, Jaiden, Tess, and Charlotte.

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